Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You Know You're Getting Older When...

You know you're getting older when you use more facial wash and less shampoo because you're hairline is receding

You know you're getting older when people think your date is your son.

You know you're getting older when the places you recommend having dinner in have long been transferred or demolished.

You know you're getting older when you need to wear glasses to be able to read (unlike before when you wear glasses just to loook cool)

You know you're getting older when prospective dates like you because you are a father figure

You know you're getting older when establishments are asking if you have a senior citizen card to get a discount

You know you're getting older when the doctor gives you a list of food you are not supposed to eat, and it is longer than those that you can eat

You know you're getting older when people are now getting you as "ninong" of their wedding, unlike before when people are asking you to be "ninong" of their children

You know you're getting older when people refer to you as obese, when before they call it "baby fat"

You know you're getting older when your partner thinks you're impotent just because you could not get it up immediately

You know you're getting older when you relate to more than one startement on this list :D


  1. you know you're getting old when your younger cousins start mano po-in you.

  2. and you know you're getting older if you easily get tired when having sex!LOL

  3. ahaha. this is funny. lol
    p.s., thanks ha for your comment. =) that was so touching and inspiring. mwah! and i wish you all the best in life. keep in touch..xD

  4. love this post..thanks for sharing

  5. stop insulting old people. we are all headed that way

